Wednesday, July 07, 2010

It's been another of those weeks so far, but I'm back home and online again, so hurrah!

Monday I couldn't get online for some bizzare reason, and yesterday I went out for what I thought was going to be a quick trip to the Angel, Islington as the Ex-partner-in-crime had to attend a court hearing to appeal a parking charge from Ealing council. That went well, but the state of the Underground meant that I didn't get back until nearly 9pm and promptly fell fast aspleep upon doing so.

But anyhoo, back I am, and as it's Double Entendre Day, howsabout another Caption Competition? I found today's piccy while sniffing through Flickr and it comes courtesy of David. C. Foster, and is this -

There's a monkey nut going for every entry and a banananana available should I get me a long awaited 69!

So as usual, Get Stuck In!