Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hurrah, hooray, it's Double Entendre Day!

And as regular readers here will know, that means it's time for yet another Caption Competition, huzzah!
This week, it has come to my attention that there is some sort of sports competition going on so I have yet again trawled teh intermanet to find you something interesting, and also topical for your delectation and delight.
A quick search of the words 'Football' and 'England' later I found this -

Your reward for posting lots of witty and erudite comments? A half an orange for every comment left and there's a mug of Bovril available should I get me a very long awaited 69!

So, as per usual, without further preamble,



In there!

PS. If you haven't already voted for this week's Choose-O option, please scroll down to yesterday's post and do so, akay?