Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A quick glance at my calendar informs me that a) my social life is practically non-existent, and b) It's Wednesday, woohoo!

If you are a first time reader of this blog, you may be curious as to why the 'woohoo!' after the rather mundane information that it is Wednesday.
Even if you aren't curious as to why, I will still tell you that here in this little corner of the blogosphere, Wednesdays are also known as Double Entendre Day which gives folk the opportunity to slip a big one to a friend/colleague/member of the SAS.

Also, a regular feature on this day is the Caption Competition wherein I post a photo which you study for a while, and then think up as many catchy/funny/smutty comments and witticisms as you possibly can and then proceed to stuff my box until it's fit to burst.

Your reward for your endeavours this week are a spam fritter for every comment left, and a delicious portion of spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, egg and spam should you be the person lucky enough to get me to a 69.

So without any further preamble, your photo for today's Caption Competition is* -
You have been told.





*Also taken by my own fair paw!