Monday, July 20, 2009

Hi honeys, I'm home again! And this time, relatively bruise free, woohoo!

I had a fabulous time; killed more times than I got killed, found loads of interesting fungi in the woods, and scoffed far too much at the banquet before falling aspleep and having the best night's spleep I've had in ages, rah!
I'm still sorting out the clickage but it should be up on my Flickr later on today if anyone's interested.

So that's my weekend in a nutshell, please tell me all about yours while you're down in the comments box placing your vote for this week's Choose-O for tomorrow's entertainment, akay?
Your options are -

  • Roundabout
  • Citroën presse
  • Door

Over to you then, and have a wonderful Monday, y'all!