Friday, July 17, 2009

Aw'right me darlin's? All set for another weekend? I certainly am because in a few hours time I shall be heading off to the wilds of Hertfordshire to hit people again.
I have my fighting and feasting kit packed, Mr Pointy's been given a polish, and the camera's set to shiny, so 'Woohoo!'
By the way, if anyone's interested in what I get up to on my weekends away, the re-enactment society wot I belong to has set up a Flickr page and some of us have posted up a variety of piccies, so if you fancy having a look-see, click here.

Anyway, before I head off, I reckon it's time for another rousing round of Mornington Crescent*, this time to be played in the style of 'Cockney Rhyming Slang'.
I shall start you off in the comments box then get back to the last bits of packing, so in case I forget I shall say 'ttfn' now and wish you all a jolly marvelous weekend as well.


ttfn then.

*For those that still haven't figured out what Mornington Crescent is and how to play it, firstly click on the link above, then if you're still confused, click here, and here and read the pages. Then go to my comments box and join in the fun, akay? Good.