Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I'm all a quiver today. I've been waiting for this day for ages, and tonight is finally the night.
I'm hoping for a big, one, or at least something attractive and interesting; possibly with some amazing power behind it.
I would like it to go on all night but I'll be satisfied with at least a couple of really big bangs.
I might even take photos then I can post them for posterity, but I'll probably be too flustered to get my camera out with all the excitement.

Oh yes, I do love Bonfire Night.

Anyway, while all around people are getting ready to try to light damp squibs and bake potatoes on a small fire, why don't you get yourselves worked up over something entirely different and think up some good 'uns for today's Caption Competition, your photo for which is -

Get stuck in and give my box as much stuffing as it can take. There's a sparkler for every entry and a huge banger going should I get a 69.
So get in there, and have a fabulous Fifth of November.

Additional, 09:09 hours For some Fireworks Fun, Clicky Here!