Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yay and Hooray, It's Double Entendre Day! And after last weeks sublime 69, I find myself hankering after another.
So as soon as I say 'Go!', I want you to dash to my box and give it a thorough stuffing, alright? And just a BTW, although I lurve quantity, it's the quality that really gets my juices flowing, so have a think before you shove any old rubbish in, akay? Not that any of you ever have mind, it's always top-notch stuff, prolly because I have teh bestest readers around, woohoo!
Anyway, I hope you're all ready and champing at the bit and so, as this week's photo for the Caption Competition has been chosen for it's 'sporty' theme, to keep those of you who like Teh Olympics all happy like. It is -

So, if you're all ready, there's a portion of prawn crackers going for every entry, and a king prawn going should I get me another 69.
So what'cha waitin' for?