Friday, July 11, 2008

Hurrah for Fridays! And once again, this one finds me in a Happy mood, yay!
If you haven't read yesterday's post below, have a quick scroll down to the bottom and you'll figure out why!

Anyways, enough is enough of my news, I'm going to do my best to bring you a Fun Stuff Round Up, and we will start with a highly addictive game sent to me by reader Mike, and is The Flight of the Hamsters.
Next up is another Hamster game, that I've tried to figure out how to play, but so far I've not had much luck. If you can suss it out, then please tell me how to play The Hamster Game.
Still with the Hamster theme we have Hamster Pong, Hamsterball, a Hamster memory Game and Hamster Quiz, and finally Dress the Hamster.

Moving on to clips and so, we have Funny Hamsters, a Hamster's First Broccoli, Hamsters in a wheel, Hamster Acrobatics, and last but not least, Drunk Hamsters.

Before we get onto today's game, I have a Spot the Difference Competition for you, the piccies for which are -

And so to get you into the weekend mood, today's game is yet another new version of an old theme, this time it's The Hamster game, and it's to be played with Song Titles, for example:

Hamster Mia
Bohemian Hamster
Hamsters to Ashes
No Hamster No Cry
Killer Hamster
Hamster out of Hell
Bridge over troubled Hamsters
Hamster Supernova
Tie your hamster down

And so on and so forth. As per the norm, it's over to you and may your hamster go with you!

ttfn, and hope you have a fabulous weekend!


Additional, 14:29 hours. I :heart: Sky News!