Wednesday, June 18, 2008

And so another Double Entendre Day rolls around bringing you yet another chance to slip a huge one to loved ones, friends, relatives and colleagues.
I know I keep mentioning this, and I'm now beginning to wonder if any of you do take advantage of DED?
Have any of you walked up to your boss on a Wednesday morning and asked if he fancied a stiff one after work? Or if you're the boss, have you found out if the office junior fancies playing about with your Dictaphone or not? Have you ever enquired of a bus driver if they're going all the way, or possibly asked your tennis coach if you're handling his balls in the correct manner?
Maybe you've given your mother a cuddle and mentioned that you had something pink and hard for her to work on*, whatever your tale, please take the time to share it with everybody in the comments box today!
Although if you are the type of shy, polite and retiring gentle folk that I believe the majority of my darling readers to be, I doubt you would ever have been so crass as to let such uncouth utterances sully your delicate mouths in public, so naturally I have provided you with a photo for the day's Caption Competition, being -

So mes petites côtes découvertes épicées, I pass things over to you now as alas, I shall be away from my 'puter for a while today. I want you all to play nice and stuff my box totally full so that I can get me another whopping great 69, akay?
A spicy prawn cocktail going for every entry and a lovely bit of tail** available should I get that delicious soixante-neuf.
Without further ado, get in there.

*Then whipped out a copy of the Financial Times Crossword.
**of lobster