Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cock Fighting

Regular readers will have noticed that I occasionally get into the old 're-enactment' bit* and trundle off to 'for'n parts' now and then for a weekend or so. Over the years of doing such madcap things, I've met some very interesting folk from all sorts of time periods, and have heard plenty of wonderful and sometimes fuc very funny anecdotes, my favourite of which is the following.
I was in the Viking village in York talking to a chap from the American Civil war, who was telling me about his time in the War of the Roses**
One day, after he'd been fighting a particularly long hard battle with his fellow soldiers, they had victoriously trundled over to the beer tent to celebrate. Being big, strong, manly fighters, they soon attracted the attentions of a lady from America who joined them in their festivities and gazed adoringly at the chap the whole time. She was enthralled by the tales of battles and 15th Century life, and soon began asking questions about such.
"Gee, that all sounds fascinating with the battles, but what sort of thing did you guys do for fun?" she asked.
"Well," came the reply, "Other than drinking, eating, singing bawdy songs and taking liberties with women, a man's idea of a good night out would be to go Cock Fighting"
"Wow! That sounds amazing! Tell me all about that!" the American lady trilled.
"Well, a crowd would gather in a tavern or similar, and then two cocks would be placed in a ring and forced to battle it out against each other while the men placed bets and cheered them to fight to the death"
"Oh. My. God!" she enthused, "That certainly does sound like a good time, you English men are soooo cool, none of the so-called men over in the States would ever do something so masculine, I really wish I could watch a cock fight, do you think you'll be having one later?"
The men stared at her in amazement. The usual response when they talked about this blood sport and the whole 'cruelty to animals' thing, was 'Gods, that was sick and cruel, thank Christ it's been made illegal', but this woman was certainly different in attitude.
She continued to try to cajole them into holding a cock fight so that she and her friends could watch, and hopefully take photos to show her friends back home as 'they'd never believe it' until the penny dropped.
The chap waited (rather a long time) until she paused for breath. Taking her gently by the arm, he looked her in the eyes and said
"Madam, we're talking about Cockerels, not our genitalia"
It took rather a long time before her penny dropped and she realized that she'd got things rather confused.
She turned a rather delightful shade of poppy-red, before turning tail and fleeing into the mid-summer afternoon, never to be seen again.
I think her idea could catch on personally...

Photo for Debster.
Happy now?

*Or possibly not, and think that I just hit people for no reason.
**Regular time lines do not apply in my world.