Friday, February 09, 2007

TFI Friday!
And another weekend of no plans other than trying to catch up on the laundry and housework, looms ahead of me.
It's got to be done though. I've reached the stage were the only clean clothes left are the ones in my 'theatrical wardrobe'*, and the dust bunnies have taken over the dining room.
There's also a tub of something in the fridge, which I swear I saw move the other day, and tackling the pile of CDs and videos would make getting to the telly far easier.
In brief, it's a bit of a mess** right now.
If the state of one's home reflects the state of one's mind, I am clearly in trouble.

Anyhoo, while I'm battling with the washing machine and industrial strength cleaning fluids, please settle back with a nice cuppa, and see if you can Spot the Difference between these two photos:

Have a lovely weekend, y'all!

*Could make going to Tesco interesting though.
**Understatement of the year.