1) To certain members of staff at a hospital near me. If a patient comes in with severe pain, fever, neck doing an impression of a barrage balloon, and throat so swollen they can barely breathe, it is unlikely to be 'just' tonsillitis, and sending them home with some tablets that they can't take, could lead to some pretty nasty consequences, such as Quinsy, which if untreated can cause scepticaemia. I just wanted to let you know, and that I was actually very ill and needed three days in hospital. Good job I didn't listen to you then, eh?
2) To the person that tried to get a line into my arm for the IV and bloods; you may have qualified as a nurse/doctor whatever, but if the best you can do to somebody's arm whilst trying to hit a vein is this -

- then it may be time to rethink your vocation, especially if you have to give up and get another person to get the job done for you. OK?
3) To the nurse who ever so nicely asked me 'Don't you wash your hair?'; Well, yes, I normally do, but being alone at home and ill for a few days, before being rushed off in an ambulance, I didn't think to check that my coiffure was perfect. In fact, that was the least of my worries; trying to breathe was a bit more important to me at the time. I apologize if my rats nest offended you.*
4) (And finally) To the nurse who came into the Acute Obs ward, just as I was getting ready to get transferred to the next hospital; You also may want to rethink your career. Basic biology and physiology which is taught in school, clearly teaches subtle differences between the sexes, and is the basis of all medical training. I mean for fu*k's sake, do I really look like a 'Mr Jackson' to you? Fu*k off...
PS. I think I'm really ill. I've just watched Big Brother... Help!
*Not. Fu*k you too.
1) To certain members of staff at a hospital near me. If a patient comes in with severe pain, fever, neck doing an impression of a barrage balloon, and throat so swollen they can barely breathe, it is unlikely to be 'just' tonsillitis, and sending them home with some tablets that they can't take, could lead to some pretty nasty consequences, such as Quinsy, which if untreated can cause scepticaemia. I just wanted to let you know, and that I was actually very ill and needed three days in hospital. Good job I didn't listen to you then, eh?
2) To the person that tried to get a line into my arm for the IV and bloods; you may have qualified as a nurse/doctor whatever, but if the best you can do to somebody's arm whilst trying to hit a vein is this -

- then it may be time to rethink your vocation, especially if you have to give up and get another person to get the job done for you. OK?
3) To the nurse who ever so nicely asked me 'Don't you wash your hair?'; Well, yes, I normally do, but being alone at home and ill for a few days, before being rushed off in an ambulance, I didn't think to check that my coiffure was perfect. In fact, that was the least of my worries; trying to breathe was a bit more important to me at the time. I apologize if my rats nest offended you.*
4) (And finally) To the nurse who came into the Acute Obs ward, just as I was getting ready to get transferred to the next hospital; You also may want to rethink your career. Basic biology and physiology which is taught in school, clearly teaches subtle differences between the sexes, and is the basis of all medical training. I mean for fu*k's sake, do I really look like a 'Mr Jackson' to you? Fu*k off...
PS. I think I'm really ill. I've just watched Big Brother... Help!
*Not. Fu*k you too.
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