Friday, June 23, 2006

It has been brought to my attention by a small dog, not very far away from me, that today, is Take Your Dog To Work Day*, so as a special treat for Pudsey, I'm letting her sit on my lap as I type. This is my forty-seventh attempt at writing this post, as she keeps spotting squirrels outside, and when she does, the resulting barking frenzy leads to my typing like thkuuuuuhbnuxc\ynnn\is.
Anyway, the Take Your Dog To Work Day scheme, is not just about getting your hound to wee on your co-worker's desks, it's also about promoting getting homeless doggies back with loving families, which is a good thing, so go check it out. They've also got a rather lovely song <-clicky. Well, Pudsey thinks it's lovely. Personally, it's starting to wear a little thin on me after it being played for the last hour. Still, it's keeping her amused and she's not playing Kitten Cannon incessantly, which is a bonus.

Getting onto a little bit of Friday Fun, I got this link from a friend yesterday, and thought those of you that are stuck in offices, and gazing at the outside world until the clock strikes the start of the weekend, might enjoy. Clicky here!

And also, I've thought up a new game to play in the comments box. You've all heard of 'Word Association', yes? The first person says something, and the next says a word that the first links to in some way? Well today, we're going to play 'Word DISassociation'. I say a word, and the next has to be summat that has no connection to it whatsoever, and the next word must also be completely off tangent. If any of the players spot a link, they can jump up and down, shouting 'judgment call! Link!' etc, and if found to be an associating word, the player must do a forfeit.
This game could possibly get very confusing, but I reckon it's worth a shot.
So if you want to play, I'll see you down there. And the word to start with is...

*Not to be confused with Take Your Puma To Work Day. There are still offices that are cleaning the blood off the walls, out there.