Monday, March 20, 2006

I was going through my old posts a few days ago, and noticed that I have never yet written a story about a cute, little fluffy kitten. So as everybody likes those sorts of things, I shall rectify that right now.

Many moons ago, I was traveling through Europe with a couple of friends in a band, and taking work where we could find it when necessary to carry on the trip.
We'd stopped somewhere in France where we met up with a couple of friends of the guitarist, who had said would put us all up for a couple of nights.
Their apartment was rather small, which meant that I was allocated the hallway to sleep in, which led from the front door to the main room (which the couple used as their main bedroom) and kitchen, and a spare room, and the bathroom.
We'd had a lovely evening; plenty of good food and cheap-but-tasty wine, lots of laughing, and returned to their place where I was introduced to the sweetest, cutest, fluffiest little kitten by the name of Gavroche. His name suited him very well indeed.
As the evening turned to the early hours of the morning, we decided it was time to surrender to the arms of Morpheus, and went off to our respective quarters.
I was roused from my slumber a little while later by the loudest, most chilling scream you could imagine, which was closely followed by near hysterical giggling accompanied by an un-earthly wailing that reminded me of an animal in torment.
The door to the main room was flung open, Gavroche leapt into my bed to hide under the blankets, and the girl - who was doing the hysterical giggling, ran to the bathroom to fetch the first-aid kit.
With a feeling of great trepidation, I looked through the open door to see the chap naked, lying on the bed in the feotal position, clutching his nether regions from which a pool of what could only be blood was seeping onto the sheets.
By now, my friends had also risen from their dreams and we dashed into the room after the girl with the first-aid kit, half expecting to see an intruder intent on doing further damage.
After a short while, we managed to get the bleeding, wailing and giggling stopped, and being very concerned, asked what the bloody hell had happened.
It transpired that the couple had been playing 'mummies and daddies' and had ended up in a position with the chap kneeling up on the bed, with her a little further down and distracting him in a way I will not elaborate on here further.
That was when Gavroche had decided to wake up and try and join in by also playing with what to him must have looked very similar to a pair of ping-pong balls in a bag. I'm sure he meant well when he swiped at them with open claws.