Monday, December 27, 2004

I survived...

My Xmas, 2004.

Thursday, 23rd (Santa Baby, slip an Uzi under the tree, for me...)

9.30 am. A quiet start to the day, did a little more cleaning, tidying etc, then started to get the feeling that I’d forgotten something.
10.37 am. Realized that I had not yet bought a Turkey, potatoes, sprouts, or anything else for Xmas dinner, so headed off to Tescos.
11.29 am. Finally found a parking space and a trolley and descended into Tartarus to battle for the provisions.
13.14 pm. Ran screaming and crying from the Store as fast as the heaped (evil and possibly possessed by demonic forces) trolley would allow me.
13.32 pm. Reached sanctuary of my home only to realize that in my panic brought on by the ‘merriment’ of festive shoppers, twinkly stuff and mile long checkout queues, I had forgotten to get the mundane shopping, such as anything to eat other than Xmas dinner.
13.43 pm. Decided that nothing on any Gods Planets of any colour would get me back to a shop/supermarket/retailer of any description, found tin of emergency pilchards and some noodles, went to hide under duvet for rest of the day.

Friday, 24th (Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow... please?)

8.30 am. Xmas Eve. The day to spend getting the last minute pressie shopping etc, so called my friend Nic, and we set off to Ealing to see what we could hunt down. It wasn’t too bad for a change. Not too many people about and I managed to get nearly all the things I wanted or needed to get within a couple of hours, Yay!
12.45 pm. Trundled back home, had lunch with Pudsey, sent a few Xmas emails and wrote out the last few cards, wrapped the last of the pressies and settled down with a mince pie, doing as little as possible for as long as I could.
20.00 pm. Went to nice neighbours a couple of houses away from me as I’d been invited round for mince pies and a sherry or two. Lots of other people from the locale were there too, and it was a most enjoyable evening all round.
23.52 pm. Waited patiently by fireplace listening for sleigh bells armed with copy of ‘wish list’, sherry, mince pie and carrots.

Saturday, 25th (‘Tis the season to get trollied, tralalalalaa, don’t fall asleep though...!)

9.47 am. Awoke to find sherry and mince pies gone, but a certain small dog licking her lips, hiccupping and demanding that the pressies under the tree be opened.
11.30 am. No more packages left under tree. Pudsey V. happy munching her way through packet of mini-salamis whilst sporting a new collar pendant and cuddling up to a soft toy pig, with her food bowls in pride of place on new feeding mat from her Auntie Liz. I got ‘A Girls Guide to DIY’, a nice bottle of wine and a scarf, lampshade, picture frame, a parcel from my relatives in Germany containing caffeine, nicotine, and Currywurst fix, and a USB hub for my ‘puter, Hurrah! I still didn’t get my main wish despite my letter to Santa though...
12.00 pm. Set off to the Viaduct to say Merry Xmas to friends, and collect the two guests who were coming over for lunch. Pudsey was definitely in a festive mood and decided to wear some tinsel round her neck whilst foraging for party snacks, sorry, socializing!
13.10 pm. Back home to do things to the turkey
14.00 pm. Turkey stuffed and roasting happily in oven, fire blazing in fireplace, guests happily playing Buffy top trumps, everything calm and going according to plan, but the words of wisdom from Diamond Geezer’s ‘Preparing for Xmas Emergencies’ were still going through my mind, just in case. (Scroll down to Dec 24th if the link doesn't come up to the right blog!)
17.00 pm. (approx) The new oven worked! Hooray! Turkey done to perfection, nearly all the trimmings cooked (forgot the little bacon sausage thingies and red cabbage) crackers cracked, paper hats on, joy to the world and fat tums all round!
19.30 pm (approx) Pudding flambéed and scoffed, guests now stuffed and starting to doze on sofa.
20.30 pm. (ish) Played Buckeroo with one of the guests, who had drunk far too much and passed out on sofa. For those that don’t know Buckeroo, back in the 70’s a board game came out, the object of which was to place as many objects onto a toy donkey before the donkey bucked them off. The one who got the most on it was the winner. This time it was played by placing as many empty crackers as possible onto an unconscious James, before he moved. To add to the fun we added make-up. And took this pic.

23.21pm (very approx) Guests all gone... Still loads of mince pies and festive munchies to get through... Not to mention the turkey leftovers...

Sunday 26th (How fat is that doggy on the sofa? The one with the waggly tail!)

V. Quiet. Tidied up, Pudsey helped me clear the plates before they went in the dishwasher and then took me to the park. Had leftover turkey with red cabbage and sausage-bacon thingies for dinner.

Ho Hum, only 361 days ‘til the next one.

Maybe I’ll get my Xmas wish next year...