Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday Fun Stuff Round Up.

I'm off on another adventure in a few hours, this time to hit my friends in the wilds of somewhere, sarf of the M25, so I have doned some searching and thinking, and found some fun things for you to do and see, and also summat for you to get your thinking caps on for.

First, there is the wonderful news, that this Sunday, will see the first Great London Duck Race! At 2pm, the river Thames will turn yellow, with the addition of 30,000 rubber duckies! I will be there with Aristotle, and the rest of Team Misty. If you get there, I might let you play with my ducks.

Secondly, I was sent this link by Nicola yesterday, and it made me do a roffle. Candidates for a Darwin Awards, shurely...? Clicky here to watch the muppets.

What else was there...? Oh yes, I saw this over at KeesKennis' blog t'other day, and it has brought me hours of joy and giggles. The Dialectizer, will instantly translate your blog or other webpage, into either 'Swedish Chef', 'Redneck', 'Cockney' or other dialects. As an example;

Scaryduck in the style of Swedish Chef - Su, vhet hefe-a I beee up tu thees veek? Dun't esk. Joost unuzeer neeght in my Elun Pertreedge-a-leeke-a ixeestence-a et zee looxooreeuoosly-eppueented eccummudeshun prufeeded fur ve-a meegrunt vurkers, und nutheeng boot zee nurmel vue-a.

The Wrath of Dawn, a la Cockney - Spleep, right, perchance ter dream... I'll get out me spoons. of wakin' up on time.

And Boris Johnson, as a Redneck - Bliss it was in thet dawn t'be alive. It was frankly a bit of a miracle, too. Yestiddy a swelterin' sun rose on Prexcott's Britain, an' ah suppose we sh'd all be grateful thet we woke up at all, ah reckon. Not only is Two Jags in charge of our roads: fo' th' next two weeks - o' fo' howevah long Blair is away - th' fo'mer Cunard waiter is in charge of our Middle East policy, an', which ah reckon yo' will agree is truly terrifyin', Prexcott's pawky thoomb is poised on over th' British nucular button, as enny fool kin plainly see.

See? Hours of fun, fun, fun to be had...

Now, thinking caps time! I spoke to Bluesmaster Bob, who is the main man from the band 'The Guv'nors' a couple of days ago, and the discussion went into 'What would a suitable cause for an 'Awareness' gig?' Personally, I'd go for the 'Abolition of Wood Pigeons', or 'Duck Balancing for World Peace' but I'm sure you cn come up with better. Suggestions in the comments box, plz.

Right. I've got to go pack, and load the car with assorted weaponry. Have a fab weekend everyone, and if I don't see you in Battersea Park, I'll catch you again on Monday.